Synergy Holistic Health is proud to be serving the Charlotte community.

Chiropractic Physician and Licensed Acupuncturist Nicole Fodel, DC, MSOM, LAc and Chiropractic Physician Stuart White, DC, DABN are committed to providing the highest quality services according to your needs.  Our doctors use the most modern training to accurately diagnose your condition and provide the most effective treatments available to guide you to better health.  We are conveniently located in the Cotswold neighborhood of Charlotte, NC. When you come to our office, your health is our priority – whether you have an injury, illness, or are pursuing wellness, we can assure you that we will give you the attention and care you deserve. If you would like to schedule an appointment or get more information, please call 980-355-0842.


Mission Statement

The mission of Synergy Holistic Health is to provide our community with high quality, affordable health care in a comfortable and caring environment.

Our goal is to not only alleviate pain and chronic illness, but more importantly, inspire and educate our patients to become active participants in their own well being.

Every person carries the inborn potential to be truly healthy. Our mission and purpose is to help to activate your innate healing response – the natural ability your body has to heal itself so that you, too, are able to carry out your life’s mission and purpose in abundance.

We feel blessed and called to serve others. We desire to correct the cause, not its effect, to free rather than control, to assist rather than intrude.

Our approach is a holistic one, whereby we treat the entire person, not just their symptoms. To this end, we will empower you with the knowledge and inspiration needed to choose optimal health solutions for yourself and your family.

Our purpose is to perform our work using the highest ethics, integrity, and professional standards, never ceasing to improve our services at every level.

Your First Visit

Your first visit to Synergy Holistic Health will include a detailed review of your current and past health concerns with your doctor.  The first step in this process is completing the New Patient Intake Form, which can be done in the comfort of your home by downloading and printing this form from the website under the “Patient Forms” tab.  You are welcome to complete this form in the office – we just ask that you arrive at least 30 minutes ahead of your scheduled appointment time to allow enough time with your doctor.  When applicable, please bring with you copies of previous tests (x-rays or MRI reports, blood work, hormone panels, etc.).

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  • I came to Dr. Fodel when I was about 6.5 months pregnant. I had a host of issues from heartburn, to recent sugar cravings, tiredness, and a general concern about having a healthy pregnancy. I had an unplanned c-section (a large difference from the planned natural childbirth I’d envisioned) with my first child and wanted to do anything that I could to promote my health and well-being in order to have a successful VBAC. Dr. Fodel created a plan for me that included nutritional supplements and acupuncture, and soon I was feeling much better. Later in my pregnancy as my back began to ache, she used cupping to help ease the back pain. It was absolutely the only thing that worked to help my back. I think I was probably the only 8-9 months pregnant woman who consistently had almost no back pain! While, all of this is amazing, the most wonderful thing about Dr. Fodel is her dedication to her patients. I know she has spent countless hours on my “case,” educating me, answering my questions in great detail, and trying to solve the things that were a little more resistant to improving. She went far beyond what I would expect and exhibited a level of care and dedication to me as her patient that I have never experienced from any care provider before.

  • Drs. Fodel & Roland have---in all seriousness---changed my life. I have had (well, HAD!) chronic back and neck pain since 2004 when I was in a car accident. Over the years I had visited 3 different chiropractors before finding Synergy, all who were very nice and who helped my back to feel better, but it was always dependent on me continuing to have weekly adjustments. I'm so thankful I found Synergy because they have a more holistic vision of health and wellness. They incorporate physical therapy by giving you at-home exercises that target the muscle areas that need strengthening, which helps to keep the pain from returning. Brilliant! You'd think all chiropractors would do this. The bottom line is that these docs are actually interested in you getting BETTER, not just in taking your hard-earned cash! : ) Dr. Roland is extremely knowledgeable about exercise and has me do short workouts---in office---that target areas I need to work on. This is great because I need all the motivation I can get & it's hard to slack when a doctor is telling you what to do ; ) They also incorporate (if you're interested) nutritional counseling. This, in particular, has really made a HUGE difference in my energy levels and general well-being; we all know that when we have more energy, we feel better overall. Dr. Fodel really takes the time to understand your overall health, or lack thereof, and can really make a difference! As you can see, I have nothing but great things to say about this place! It's such a relief to find doctors who are still interested and invested in their patients health and well-being.

  • I  went to see Dr. Fodel for acupuncture because several friends had recommended acupuncture for stress, allergies, digestion and general aches & pains.   She spent much more time with me, reviewing information regarding my health, than any of my doctors had.  I had been on prescribed medications for GERD and allergies for 10 years with no improvement.   Two months after getting acupuncture and taking the recommended vitamins and supplements from Dr. Fodel, my symptoms had greatly improved and I  no longer needed the prescription medications. I enjoy my visits with Dr. Fodel.   She is professional, caring, never in a hurry, I know that she will take  time to discuss any issues that I am having, and I always feel  better after my acupuncture treatments.   I have recommended Synergy Chiropractic & Acupuncture to many of my friends and family.  I know that I am now on a better road to enjoying my health in my middle-age years.

  • I had been suffering from lower back pain for the better part of 2010 and as the New Year 2011 rang in the pain went from bad to worse.  I was at a loss regarding what to do.  I had already committed myself to NOT having back surgery and taking pain medication everyday was not an option for me either.  I was desperate.  One day while reviewing my insurance plan and what alternative medicine options where available, I came across  Synergy Chiropractic & Acupuncture,I immediately called and made an appointment with Dr. Fodel.  When I first walked (if you can call it that) into the office each step was slow and arduous and racked with pain.  I was very near tears.  Dr. Fodel did a through assessment of me from my medical and family history to my range of motion to even my DIET!  She suggested dietary changes (I never knew that there were inflammatory foods that affect arthritis) and slowly began therapeutic treatment.  Each time I came back for treatment my condition improved.  Now a little over a month later I am pain free and I haven’t taken any medications in weeks!!!  My diet has changed and under Dr. Fodel’s care I am building up my core muscles.  Most importantly I feel WONDERFUL and I am walking just fine!  Dr. Fodel is a patient and caring physician who always offers encouraging words.  I am so grateful that I discovered Dr. Fodel and Synergy Chiropractic & Acupuncture.  

  • After many years of stomach pains and discomfort, I am overcoming this uncomfortable feeling. To me, it is incredible that after years of struggling, in three short weeks I was able to notice a huge difference in how I feel. This short time of dedication altered my way of thinking and eating for a lifetime. I feel better because of what I am eating and I know which foods now trigger those stomach pains. I am more educated on how to best take care of myself to continue in this new lifestyle I have chosen.  


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