Chomps Beef Sticks

Find Chomps online or at Whole Foods. Some flavors include nightshades so always double-check ingredients before purchasing.   Original Beef (Contains Nightshades) Ingredients: 100% [...]

Terra Chips

Terra Chips are made from a variety of root vegetables. Find them at Whole Foods. Different flavors contain different ingredients such as whey or maltodextrin, so make sure to avoid these [...]

Rise Protein Bar

Find Rise Protein Bars online. While Rise has a variety of bars and flavors, we only recommend the Sunflower Cinnamon Pea Protein bar.   Ingredients: Sunflower Butter, Organic Coconut [...]

Go Raw Bars

Go Raw Bars are nut free and made with seeds. They can be found online. Different flavors contain different seeds, so double check ingredients before purchasing!   Organic Sprouted Bar [...]

Tessamae Salad Dressings

Find Tessamae dressings at Whole Foods, Harris Teeter, or on Thrive Market. Some flavors contain eggs and nightshades, so make sure to read ingredients before purchasing. Lemon Garlic is one of [...]

Wild Rice

Look for the 365 Brand of Wild Rice at Whole Foods. Wild Rice is actually a seed! Make sure when you purchase wild rice, you are getting a true wild rice. It can often times be mixed with a rice [...]

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